Checking In!

Hello! I noticed it's been a while since I checked in, so let me tell you what I've been working on. I have been organizing my art and lore, so I can make a devlog entry about the story, art, and features in Project Emerald. As I have been building the game I realized no one knows anything about it except it's an RPG. I want people to know about my world building, characters, and what they're doing. Without spoiling any twists, of course! It's taking a lot of time to organize this, and I noticed my last update was 18 days ago... I'm still working on this task, but I do have some other characters built in my game. Please drop me a comment if you're interested in trying any of them out. I can release special versions of my game featuring different characters. The image enclosed is actually done by me (following a tutorial for method), and it's my first attempt at something that is not a person or a creature. Thank you for sticking with me on this journey!

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